Records Retention

Name/Type of Document

Retention Status

Office with Oversight Responsibility Once Student Matriculates

Academic standing records (good standing, probation, suspension, dismissal) Permanent Registrar
Academic transcripts Permanent Registrar
Address change forms 1 year Registrar
Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalauerate (IB), and other pre-matriculation test scores Permanent Registrar
Applications for Incomplete Grade 1 year after Incomplete turned to a regular grade Registrar
Applications for Transfer of Credit Permanently for courses transferrred. If no transcript is received by graduation or by permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.), then no original is kept Registrar
Change of (residency) status forms Original kept 1 year after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Registrar
College Entrance Examination Board scores Permanent Registrar
Comment Cards and Failure Forms 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Course offering/scheduling worksheets 10 years Registrar
Course registration records 2 years Registrar
Degree audit records 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Registrar
Enrollment forms 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Registrar
Enrollment verification request forms 1 year Registrar
Grade change notices from faculty Permanent Registrar
Grade submissions from faculty Permanent


List of graduates Permanent Registrar
Major and minor certification records 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Registrar
Minutes of the Recording Committee Permanent Registrar
New course proposals and revisions Permanent Registrar
Notifications of prizes and awards 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Official transcripts from other colleges/universities attended, including off-campus study programs Permanent Registrar
Petitions to the Recording Committee 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Record of disciplinary outcomes resulting from a Conduct Officer or Informal Hearing, including periods of probation 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Record of disciplinary outcomes resulting from a Formal Hearing including hearings before either a panel of the Conduct Review Board or single Presiding Dean, or as a result of an Administrative Disposition Without a Hearing 10 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Records in connection with reports, complaints, supportive measures or formal or alternative proceedings under the College's Title IX Policy 7 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Re-Enrollment materials 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Request for electronic services forms (course auditor forms) 1 semester Registrar
Residence status records (here, leave of absence, suspension, dismissal, resigned, etc.) 1 year after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Registrar
Secondary school or previous post secondary institution transcripts 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Security Reports Permanent Safety and Security
Signed copies of academic honor code/social code pledge 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Student files as maintained by the Office of the Dean of Students 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Student folder log indicating who has used file 6 years after graduation or permanent separation (resignation, dismissal, matriculation at another institution, etc.) Student Affairs
Transcript request forms 1 year Registrar